Imagine if the details of this sub were known in the 80s? Seems minor now, but at the time, knowing/asking questions about this stuff may have kept him from getting confirmed. I remember the testimony about pubes on a Coke can—GenX low tech saving a boomer sell-out🙃

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Who really cares! With some exceptions - like exploitation of minors - pornography is a useful service.

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Clarence Thomas's mother must have sprinkled bat-guano on his breakfast cereal. There are 330M of us and probably fewer than 300 MAGA maggots in the Senate and federal judiciary combined, yet they control us rather than the other way around. I still recall Alan Simpson jokingly asking Anita Hill why she didn't just get a new job, as though Creepy Clarence would happily write her a recommendation. Simpson and Biden, Perp #2 & #3.

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Was “pron” in the subheading intentional?

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No but I wish I'd thought of that

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