Willis’ partial list of this courts achievements does not include a procedural invention that allows it to meddle in whatever it wants to. The court summoned out of thin air the “major questions doctrine,” which really should be called the “shit that bugs me doctrine.” Student loan forgiveness? Well, that bugs me, so I’ll trash it with no legal standard and then void it. I grew up listening to endless complaints about activist judges. These judges invented a “doctrine” that empowers them to intrude into anything they decide is a major question.

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You can always count on conservatives who’ve failed to maintain their guise of “traditional credibility” to deliver self-congratulatory facsimiles of an apology. At least Isgur learned her lesson about not lending credibility to extremist, authoritarian organizations… lol

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There is a reason that those who study the Supreme Court can easily say that CJ John Roberts has had a much greater effect on destroying our democracy than even Felon Trump. The non-partisan Campaign Legal Center, whose President is a former Republican Chairman of the Federal Election Commission published a study of Roberts-led decisions related to election law. It's an open and closed case and raises a question whether a pattern of decisions which have so seriously undermined our democracy rises to the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The study can be found at: https://campaignlegal.org/update/why-current-us-supreme-court-threat-our-democracy. Providing unlimited dark money, gutting the Voting Rights Act, and excessive gerrymandering, especially in states with no citizen referendums has brought us Trump and a Republican party who will stop at nothing to protect the richest Americans and their funding their sycophantic office holders. AH! the great capitalism with its centrifugal force of greed! Sound familiar. Revisit former Chief Justice Roger Taney and his efforts leading to the Civil War and Jim Crow era.

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seems like a lot of rationalization to attempt to portray the SCOTUS fair and impartial despite recent evidence to the contrary. I have said it before and will say it again here. Expand the court. Go to 13 justices with required quorum 9 for any decision. Max term of 15-18 years w/ rotation down to Appellate court to satisfy "lifetime appointment.". Create and manage a strong judicial ethics code (w/ oversight by panel of appellate court judges?). The fly in the ointment is how to get to 13. If Biden starts the process, I would say appoint all 4 new justices and thereafter, each president gets to appoint 1-2 new justices while rotating 1-2 down to appeals court based of tenure length. Oh....and new confirmation MUST get an up or down vote w/o any possibility of fillibuster. My two cents anyways.....

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